Restorative Circles

The Circle process includes the victim, youth, parents and community members. All parties involved come together in a “circle” after a youth commits a harm. In our program, victim involvement is on a case by case basis. The goal of the circle is to create a plan to “right the harm” done by the youth, while taking into account the needs of everyone in the circle. Circles are not about scratching the surface of conflict, but instead to guide the conversation towards the crux of the issue.

You may refer the same offenses for Circles that are referred for Teen Court. Refer
to a Circle VS. Teen Court if:

  1. Youth has already been through the Teen Court program.
  2. Youth struggles to understand the Teen Court process.
  3. Youth is too young for Teen Court.
  4. Youth needs more assistance than the Teen Court process can offer.

You can download the Restorative Circles Referral form below. Once filled out, fax it to (919) 856-5673.