Eligible Harms and Plans
Please note: The Teen Court Coordinator has the final say on whether or not a case is appropriate for Teen Court. Therefore, do not tell families or the youth they will automatically be accepted.
Teen Court receives referrals from the following:
- School Resource Officers (SRO)
- Juvenile Court Counselors
- Police Departments
- Loss Prevention
Explaining your referral to the youth and their families:
Contact the youth and his or her parent or guardian and discuss Teen Court as an option. Briefly explain the Teen Court program and recommend that the youth complete the program. Give the family a Teen Court brochure and help the family complete the referral form and read aloud the statements made by both yourself and the family to ensure that they understand what they are signing. If you have any questions, call the program supervisor at (919) 856-5671.
Sending referrals to Teen Court:
Completed referral forms may be emailed to or faxed to 919.856.5673 or dropped off at our office. If you would like to attend the hearing, please indicate that on the referral form (see bottom of the page) or by phone.
Criminal Justice Alternatives is a 501 (c) (3) not-for profit corporation serving Wake County since 1977